The Power of Planetary Transits (a guide!) 🪐

Hi gorgeous, welcome back to NB The Blog!

I am so excited to start writing again and contributing to this blog on a more regular basis.

Let’s dive into the power of Planetary transits and how you can utilize the transits to live a more self-aware & intentional life (trusting the seasons & processes you find yourself in)

Transits in astrology refer to the movement of planets through the zodiac and their passage over sensitive points in your natal chart.

The transiting planets activate the energies of the natal planets and points in the birth chart, invigorating events, changes & growth throughout our lifetimes.

The transits of the slower-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—are the extremely significant and long-lasting in their influence. Looking at the movement of the outer planets from an esoteric or spiritual lens, I believe the focus of the outer planets (because they will remain in a specific area of our chart for the longest amount of time) also has to do with the soul’s intention for growth & evolution in a given incarnation.

Let’s look at each of the planets in terms of what they represent as they transit your unique natal chart: (i’ve also included the amount of time those planetary transits typically take to move through a zodiac sign)

  • Sun transits empower us to focus on an area of life to shine & grow within (1 month)

  • Moon (Lunar) transits highlight a current emotional focus or area of subconscious healing (2-3 days)

  • Mercury transits highlight an area you’re feeling drawn to think about or talk about, current area for a mindset shift (about 25 days)

  • Venus transits enrich a current area to activate prosperity, money, passion & magnetism (1 month)

  • Mars transits activate a current area to take action & move forward within (2 months)

  • Jupiter transits highlight where you are currently expanding, holding more energy & receiving blessings from (focus on the house) (1 year)

  • Saturn current area to discipline, get grounded and/or get real & honest with yourself within (2.5 years)

  • Uranus transits stimulate change, awakenings, and even disruptions that push us out of our comfort zone (7 years)

  • Neptune transits dissolve boundaries, inspire creativity, spirituality & depth. But we also have to be mindful not to deceive ourselves in certain area of life Neptune is transiting. (14 years)

  • Pluto transits intensify an area of life you are transforming within & stepping into your power (11-31 years)

You can watch the video below for exactly how to explore planetary transits in your chart! I’ll see you inside!

If you know you’d love to get to know your unique Astrology more deeply, join me inside of The Saturn CEO: Astrology Money Business™️ Course Vault Membership. Explore here.


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