Saturn enters Pisces ♓️ (+ house transit guide)

Here. We. Go. ✨

Saturn the known ‘malefic’ of the planets in Astrology is shifting out of its sojourn in fixed air-sign, humanity-focused, intellectually astute Aquarius into the mutable-water sign of Pisces, known for its emotionally attuned, empathetic & even escapist tendencies.

Saturn = discipline, groundedness, reality & time, The Archetype of the Strict Teacher or, the The Personal Trainer

Pisces = emotionality, sensitivity, deep compassion & feeling, the Archetype of the Creative Spiritualist

How this applies to you:

So we have a very unique Energetic Synthesis going on here from two very opposite & unique energies.

This transit, from now until 2025, is a deep call for the soulful and for the intentional, to get grounded, to be willing to be patient, put in the work (Saturn) and bring lofty dreams & visions (Pisces) both for self & the collective (transpersonal water ♓️) into reality (Saturn)

Saturn by Transit will be expressing itself in a unique area of your chart, by exploring the transit you can get to know which area of life will be calling for greater self-discipline, devotion, preparation and attention from you.

Saturn transits don’t have to be full of struggle.

We get to dance with the energies of Saturn: meaning we explore Saturnian themes (the ones I outlined above!) and take care of our lives in a concerted way.

I created a video on YouTube where I show you how to spot transits in your unique chart, you can watch it here.

Then, once you’ve seen how to explore a Saturn Transit & spot it in your chart, feel free to take a look at the House Guide below as to which area of life Saturn in Pisces is calling forward self-discipline, devotion & focus!

The Houses

1st House: leading, going first, taking action, self-empowerment

2nd House: money, material matters, stability & security

3rd House: communication, social media, writing

4th House: the home, the family, soul-related matters

5th House: creativity, child-like play, expression, romance/love

6th House: health, daily work, grounding, being of service

7th House: marriage, one-to-one relationships, partnering

8th House: transformation, transmutation, soul-related matters

9th House: teaching, guiding, spiritual pursuits, travel

10th House: career, business focus, goal setting

11th House: groups of people, humanitarian pursuits, vision

12th House: subconscious matters, healing, inner work

Remember 🪐

no transit or anything related to the planets is ever about taking you over or removing your experience of free will. Everything is happening through you. Allow Astrology to be a tool you utilize to create greater intentionality, love & accountability as you journey through your lifetime.

If you’d like to learn more about your unique Astrology, financial empowerment & business, join me inside of The Saturn CEO!

Lexi Cheng

Hi I'm Lexi! I’m a creative director + web designer at Dynamo Ultima. I am a sales page design enthusiast, extreme sport lover & huge astrology fanatic.

The Power of Planetary Transits (a guide!) 🪐


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