3 Keys to Calling in Soulmate Clients 🔑

1.Get Comfortable Being the Face of Your Mission⚡️

Owning yourself as a personal brand can be really intimidating. Owning what you’ve done well & where you flourish can be scary especially if you are apt to people please (I’m raising my hand) Over the years owning my life - who I am - and what I care about - over - being perfect - doing it perfect - overly caring how others may or may not perceive me - has helped immensely. 

The question I ask is: how can me showing up as me, serve someone else’s life / inspiration / knowing that it *can* be done? 

Instead of: how can I make sure everyone & everything approves of me at all times? 

Your clients need you to raise your hand first (and go first) in order to find you. i.e. leadership >>> 

2. Embody your CEO Leadership 👩‍💼👩🏽‍💼

The beings who choose to work with you, choose to work with you because they see you as a leader & they trust you. 

To me, leadership means - going first - it’s how I handle myself and issues that arise in my own life with self awareness & integrity - it’s treating others how I want to be treated no matter the situation.

We all have unique ways of defining leadership & that’s going to be key 🔑 so your values can radiate from the core of how you show up inside of your content, your brand, any output of any kind. 

Use C.E.O. as your leadership affirmative, mine is: Confident , Empathetic , Optimistic - this is my calling card & what I seek to embody in my highest iteration of leadership & how I show up on a regular basis. This is also the energy I call forth in *my* soulmate clients. 

3. Get Comfortable Shining Your Unique Light 💡  

Being comfortable being yourself means: whether the camera is on or off, you meet yourself with awareness & acceptance. Soul mate clients have trouble finding you if you don’t feel comfortable shining your unique light. 

Share what you care about - create content that lights up your heart & your power - create offers that aren’t just about what everyone is doing but instead that embody how you want to serve - how you seek to shine shine & show up. 

Key term: *Soulmate* Clients 🫂 

Being true to your unique powerful soul, so the souls you’ve made contracts with the serve, assist & inspire can find you ✨

Over the years something that has brought peace to my unique process - is the reminder that the beings who are meant to find me & work with me - will find me - I just have to be willing to:

  1. Be me & be seen

  2. Be a leader in my own life

  3. Stay comfortable shining the light for them ☀️

I feel overwhelmed with peace & deep appreciation at the incredible weekend I had with my Conscious CEO Mastermind babes (*my* soulmate clients!!) 👑 at the CCM Luxe Business Retreat. 

These beauties spent the weekend connecting with one another, themselves & their deeper why rooted inside of the incredible businesses / offerings that they serve through. We got into the tactical / practical as well as the deeper intuitive healing & guidance that it takes to bring something powerful to life. 

We have 2 spaces opening for CCM - this space is designed for advanced F2 and F3 business owners.

Apply for a call to join me inside of The Conscious CEO Mastermind here 🔑


4 for Success™️ : trust your business journey!


The Power of Planetary Transits (a guide!) 🪐