How to Launch Your Dream Business ⚡️

(+ 2 key questions to ask yourself!)

Action is key. Be willing to BEGIN anywhere!

The Law of Action: When we are willing to take action, we invite what is meant for us into our lives. Meet life, & the Universe half way by taking bold action, even when you are not 100% certain of a guaranteed outcome.

“Take one step towards the universe, so it can take a giant step towards you.” - NB

Cultivate a strong foundation in starting your business

Be in charge of your own mind.

Is what you are doing, consuming, and moving towards helping you achieve your goals?

Stay centered in yourself and steer clear of comparison… social media can be a testing ground for this!

Question 1: ask yourself why do I want to have a business of my own?

Why do you want to create a business babe?

If you received everything you ever wanted, would you appreciate it?

Could you maintain it?

Let your “why” guide you to stay in integrity with the process.

Strike a balance between what you will gain and the impact you are contributing to the world.

Embrace the work and who you are becoming in the process; this is something I wish someone had told me sooner!

Question 2: what has helped you on your life's path?

What has helped you in the past? Why is sharing what you’ve learned or what you have integrated important to you?

This insight will provide guidance into the overall impact you are providing and the business direction you are moving in. You are your first client / customer!

The intention of this is to set yourself up for fulfillment and sustainability - instead of listening to everyone else's notions & advice about what has worked for them.

Then, create an offer you believe in.

What have you embodied that you can offer as a service or product?

Get creative!

Price your product or service and share it!

Content is key. Content is queen. Allow yourself to be seen. 👑

Putting yourself out there involves inner work (i.e. self inquiry, meditation, therapeutic work, mirror work, nervous system regulation)

Maintain your practices and confidently share your offer!

Love what you do, so you can go the distance

Embody what has helped you AND show up in the spirit of service

Remember: it’s equal parts inner work and external strategy that will move you, your dreams & your business forward…

ready to take your business the distance? ⚡️ Join me inside of the Conscious Babe Business School - waitlist is now open!


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